SSS in Straight Stuntin Magazine!

Hey loves!
Your girl SSS has made an appearance in this month's issue of Straight Stuntin Magazine! HOT97 's DJ JUANYTO gave me an interview for the issue, touching upon what it is to be a Latina in NYC, an influencer, and the inspirations behind SSS Blog.

DJ: What made you get into blogging?

Writing in general has always played a big role throughout my life. I’d always keep various journals growing up, then once the internet took over my journals went from pen and paper to keyboard and screen. That’s when my blogging began. I first began blogging on a personal level, sort of like venting to cyberspace. Growing up, I kept my privacy to myself and began blogging about more general things in my life. Once I noticed my blogs effortlessly gather a large following, is when I took my blogging to another level... I began inspirational blogging. And here I am.

DJ: What influenced you into modeling?

Bills Bills Bills lol I began modeling when I started living on my own and paying rent, around age 20. Finances were tight. A friend of mine made extra cash by modeling and suggested I give it a shot. Once into it, my modeling was fluently successful. A year in, I was getting contacted by various publications and companies for work. All without an agent. I then took my modeling more serious when I saw it as a way to lure people into checking out my blog. Worked very well, actually.

DJ: Who would u like to work with in the near future? 

I would like to work with organizations that positively inspire upcoming female generations. Helping build confidence and self love into growing young ladies.

Check out the rest of my interview as Flava of the Month inside Straight Stuntin Magazine issue #25!

Super huge S/O to @DJJUANYTO from HOT97!


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